Thursday, June 28, 2012


I was gonna just chill at this outdoor center today because it was an awesome chill spot with lots going on- people kayaking, rafting, etc. lots of pretty ladies walking around, food and beer.  I got a bunk for $19. 

Tom and I got there after 1 mile of hiking this morning. I think we arrived at like 9:30. We had breakfast, farted around. And the longer we stayed, the more I knew I didnt want to leave so I got my bunk reservation around 11 am. Tom needs to get somewhere soon to meet his family so he decided to leave around 1:00 to hike another 8 miles. A tough 8 miles. Pretty much all up hill and a 3300 foot elevation gain. And I think it was close to 100 degrees today. 

So I hung out and hung out. And got drunk off 2 beers- either because I was dehydrated and a lightweight or that beer had some serious alcohol content. So at about 3:30, I had lunch and felt like a fat, lazy bastard. So I got a refund on my bunk, and hit the trail at 4 PM. Hiking drunk, classic!!

I made the tough 8 miles in 3 hours and 35 minutes. Tom was already at the top of the mountain. 

And the reason why I'm blogging out of turn is because this is the most beautiful campsite I've ever been at. We're at the summit of a mountain with amazing views and I just witnessed a breathtaking sunset!!

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