Thursday, June 21, 2012


6/17 (10:00-3:30  10.5 miles  Mountain Crossing Outfitters)

GPS location

The hostel served breakfast at 8 AM, it was part of the stay. The whole stay was only $17. Not bad. However, if I wanted them to shuttle me back up to the trail which was 6 or 7 miles, they would have charged me $12, so I decided to try my luck at hitch hiking it up there. I had left the hostel at 9 and after catching two rides, I got back up to Woody Gap at 10:00.

I felt very strong. I really think doing the Insanity workout for 8 weeks really helped my anaerobic endurance, meaning the ability to endure during high intensity, high heart exercise, aka hiking up hill.

The weather has been absolutely amazing. It hasn't been too hot and it hasn't rained since wednesday night. It even gets a little chilly at night which is great for sleeping.

Today was a sunday and I hiked over Blood Mountain which is a great overlook of the region, so needless to say I saw a lot of weekend hikers today. On my way up to Blood Mountain, I talked to some people that were able to take some pictures of a bear. It was small, but still cool. There has been a lot of reports of bears, rattle snakes and copper head snakes in this area. Blood Mountain was a very nice view and area to chill out in and eat lunch. It started to sway opinion about the beauty of Georgia.

I finished at Neels Gap which is famous for the Outfitters that is directly on the trail. Its about  32 miles from the start of the AT on Springer Mountain and they are famous for saving and teaching newbie hikers by mailing home their crappy gear and restocking them with good gear. They also use their basement as a hostel for a $16 fee. Even though I had spent the previous night in a hostel, I again choose to spend a night here. Mainly because before I left Jersey I had picked this location as my first resupply point. I figured 32 miles at 8 miles a day, bring four days of food and send a mail drop of food to the outfitters. So that's what I did. However, the hostel was absolutely gross. The bunk area had some serious mold issues. I wrote in their register that its a cool place but it needs a dehumidifier. The guy that was in charge of this hostel was a total character. His name was Pirate. He had been doing that job for 22 years (or at least thats what he says. his answers are short and elusive and probably a mix between truth and wanting to mess with people) I asked him if he was a hiker and he simply replied, "I walked through here." He was the typical weirdo, southern dude that likes to stay quiet and avoid social encounters. Someone told me that they don't pay him. He just gets to live there and they buy him food. He also told someone else that he thru-hiked the AT 11 times. Who knows. (I should have taken a picture of the dude. its classic. i gotta start doing that) Anyway, I was the only one at the hostel, so I didn't even wind up sleeping in the bunk room. I just slept on the common room floor, not as much as a mold smell.

I happened to drink coffee that morning at the hostel so it was hard for me to fall asleep. They had a VCR with VHS tapes in the common room. I watched Jeremiah Johnson for the first time. My kind of movie. Anyway, I tell you this because it was late, maybe 11:30. It was dead silent around, but all of the sudden I heard this loud crunching in the other room. Previously, I had seen what I thought was dog food left out on this table in 3 different bowls. They had 3 dogs running around the area (3 mangey, ragged dogs. this place and the people working at this place were pretty special), so I had thought they were setting them aside for them, but at 11:30 at night I had heard something crunching on it. I was like, "damn, that must be a huge rat." So I got up and slowly made my way to the room with the bowls, and it was a freaking cat. Where the hell this cat came from, I have no idea?

6/18  (9:30-4:30    11.5 miles  Low Gap Shelter)

GPS location

Today was another awesome day of hiking. I felt great. I caught up to the principal and the father and son team that had planned to be out for 10 days. They were 3 cool people that I didn't mind being around. The last time I had seen them was I left Tom (principal) to turn back for water (the bee sting day)

I saw a wild boar!!! it was awesome. it ran away very fast, very scared. Animals don't mess with humans. They know better. We are the most dangerous animal on this planet. However an exception to that, sometimes, is snakes. Sometimes they will sit in the middle of the trail and no matter how much you poke them, throw stuff at them, they won't move. They shouldn't be allowed to live. Its bad for natural selection and future generations of aggressive snakes. There's a reason why bears, boars, deer, coyotes and animals are afraid of humans, its because we've hunted and killed them for 1000's of years. I'm not a fan of sport hunting but honestly, I'm quite happy that all of those animals are afraid of me because of our ancestors hunting them.

Ok so I had a Bruce moment today. As I got close to the shelter I heard this loud voice, too loud for being in nature. (strike one) I got down to the shelter and this guy wouldn't shut up. (a 60 year old, over weight man. a volunteer ridge runner. a ridge runner is a policeman for the trail, however they have no authority and can do nothing to you) He was a know-it-all. He always had to know something or tell you about something he did. He also had a very slow, deep southern accent. (strike two) I really wanted to punch him in the face, badly. What made him worse was a women who was also there. Those two would just be in competition with each other about what they had seen in their life and what they have hiked. And some of their stories just seemed down right lies. It reminded me of when Billy Wengert was in a pissing contest with my brother when they were like 5 about how many movies they had. Billy said something to the effect of- "oh yea, well we have 300 movies and I watched them all in one day." haha. classic. So anyway I was preparing and eating dinner through this nonsense, hating every second of it, and I was thinking well I'll just tent far away from these jaggaloons. Then some dude came down and said a group of boy-scouts were coming, a group of 20+. Well my friend, I just got boy-scoutted again. There is no way I could stand being around 20+ noisy adolescent boy scouts or that annoying ridge runner. So even though I was pretty tired and wanted to stay there, I decided at 5:50 to put my boots back on and walk another 1.4 miles to a campsite to have some peace. So I did and it was great. The sounds nature makes are awesome. I had about 1.5 hours by myself at this campsite. Tom, Joel (father, lawyer) and Ben (his son, 11 years old) also choose to leave that shelter and wound up camping with me.

Oh yea and another comment on boyscouts. And I hate to generalize, because there are a lot of cool, tough boyscouts, but there a lot of boyscouts that are down right pussies. When I left the shelter to move on, I happened to pass some scouts that were late making into that shelter. And I already knew what was going to happen before it happened. They were gonna ask -"How much farther to the shelter?" That's not the bad part. Its that they always seem to ask in the most pussiest of ways, with their head cocked to the side like they don't have enough strength to keep their head up, and in this slow, labored way. God I wanted to punch them in the face too, and be like ACT LIKE A MAN. we're all tired out. (I kept thinking about the part in Godfather 1 where Vito tells Johnny to ACT LIKE A MAN. classic line) And it happened a couple of times. So when the first kid asked me, I mumbled- "its right there". It wasn't right there, it was still at least 20 minutes away. I saw him stop and look puzzled. Classic. And honestly I forget what I said to the next two scouts that asked me but it was something evasive. I have to think of a good response to illicit a super-burn. I'm not sure whats a better burn- to tell them that is very close (when its not) or to tell them its very far away. I'm not sure what will crush their spirits more. (please comment on this post to advise me on how to best crush the spirits of boy acting like wusses) Last year at one of the shelters, there were a group of girls that were younger than these boys, they walked more miles in tougher terrain and they were nothing but smiles and joy. Girls may truly be the tougher sex.

Oh and today was the first time this trip that I had to dig a hole, poop in it, and cover it. (that's for you Russ, because I know you are curious)

6/19  (8:45-6:00   12 miles  Cheese Factory Site)

GPS location

Today was one of the top 5 most toughest days of hiking for me. When I woke up my butt and leg muscles were very sore, which was a pleasant surprise. Most of the time, my feet are my weakest link. But anyway, I was tired and sluggish all day. The miles were tough. And the end of the day was very tough- down 1000, up 1000, down 900, up 700, all back to back, no flat areas. I also woke up earlier than I wanted to, the other dudes were early risers and were noisy around the campsite, but it was ok, I wanted to experiment with waking up early to get more hiking time in. Well, I think the verdict is in, from now, I'm going to wake up when my body wants to wake up. Sleep is crucial for recovery and allowing the body to rebuild and restore itself. (tommy want sleepy... richard)

So I was the first one out of the group to hike. They woke up earlier than me, but I pack up way faster and I usually don't eat breakfast until about an hour of hiking. I'm just not hungry in the morning. The more you hike and the more you're out in nature, you get pretty good at associating movement sounds with what animal it is, and when I was hiking in the morning, I was pretty sure that I had startled 2 bears, however, I had no visual confirmation. But when I had stopped to take a break at a gap, Joel and Ben had caught up to me and were super excited that they saw a bear.

Today it either started getting hotter or all the ups had made me sweat way more, but either way, to me, it felt like it was finally starting to get hot.

From the beginning or actually when I had left Tom on day 2 to go back for water, he had been hiking with Joel and Ben. I think Tom is pretty nervous out here. This is his first time. And I also think he likes being around people. I guess most people are like that. (not me, I'd rather be alone) But anyway, Tom had told me he planned to part from Joel and Ben to give them some father and son alone time, and he started asking me questions hinting that he wanted to start hiking with me. I really like him and he must have made an awesome principal, but I do not want to hike with anyone. It makes me nervous to have someone around. I think I might becoming weirder and weirder. I have no shot at marriage and kids and all that.

Side note, Tom kept mispronouncing "the cheese factory site" This campsite use to actually be the location of a cheese factory. that's how it got its name. he did not know that. so he can't mixing up cheese site factory, cheese site, factory cheese site, etc. and one time he even called it "mouse junction." classic.

6/20  (10:30-6:30    14 miles   Hiawassee GA Mull's Motel)

GPS location

Well I slept awesome last night. It was chilly which was great and I was super tired, so 1 + 1 equaled 2 that night. I got almost 12 hours of sleep and felt completely rejuvenated. All of the soreness in my butt muscles went away, and I was killing the miles.I felt very strong. The plan was to hike 10 miles as a rest day because of how tough yesterday was, but as I got closer and closer, I still felt strong and fresh so I decided to push it another 4 miles to the road to go into Hiawassee. This is where I planned my second resupply. no mail drop, just shop in the town grocery store. That's really fun. Going from being in the woods for days with only a certain amount of food to being a grocery store with so many food choices, its like a kid a candy store. But its also a challenge, because you want to buy all kinds of food and lots of it, but you know whatever you buy, you'll have to carry on your back up and down mountains. So its pretty fun.

I was pleasantly surprised of how fast I recovered. My body has not responded like that in years. I attribute it to the good sleep and not doing tobacco. For some reason, tobacco DEHABILIATES my body. I gotta kick it.

ALSO I saw a wild coyote for the first time today. It was awesome. He just happened to cross the trail 20 meters in front me.

So I got to the road that lead to Hiawassee. The town was 11 miles away. I called the hotel I was going to stay at the day before to ask if they would come pick me up if I stayed at their place, she said yes. But at that time I had told her that I'd be there Thursday morning, but I made it there Wednesday at 6:30 PM. So not to inconvenience her, I was going to try to hitch hike it in. The 6th car that passed me, picked me up. And it was probably the most interesting hitch story I have, even though, its not that interesting. Everyone seems to think hitching would lead to crazy stories, but it hasn't. Most of the people are normal and very cool. And this guy seemed very normal at first, but 11 miles can be a long ride. We got to normal talking and out of the blue, he said "I wasn't going to pick you up." And I told him that I was always curious of what goes through peoples minds when they pick up a hitch hiker. He said he wasn't afraid (he also kept finding ways to tell me that he had a gun on him as to warn or scare me. i did not take it as an offense, people probably are afraid when they pick up hitch hikers. it was probably just his way of making himself feel safe.) So anyway he goes on to say that he picks up hitch hikers in hopes of getting "Grass, Gas or Ass" And I was like hmmm. It started to feel weird. It got quiet. And finally he was like, I'm not coming on to you, but I'm gay. I was like, thats cool with me. And talk became normal again. I don't know how he brought this up again, but a little later he said- "yea, whenever I see a cute guy on the road, I usually pick them up." haha. classic. first i felt flattered, then i realized, dude, dudes will bang anyone, I was just that strange piece of ass. Then I thought about Stiffler in one of the American Pie movies when he was mad that the gay guy didn't want him and he did that dance. classic.

So the guy drops me off in front of the motel and I invited him in for some drinks. I mean, come on, the guy drove me 11 miles, I could at least give him.... just kidding. he just dropped me off. he looked a little disappointed. oh well. he'll get over it... the motel wasn't open. I called the lady again, she said we're out to dinner, do you mind getting something to eat and coming back in an hour. I didn't mind. So i walked about .75 miles to this Mexican restaurant that the guidebook had listed. boy, I smelled bad. haha. eat that you clean, civilized people. While I was waiting in line, I was talking to some people and the lady was from Morristown NJ. People always ask what you're doing, how long, where, etc. Its cool. People are usually so nice and helpful. So I drank a huge margarita, very fast, then a Corona. killed the nachos and salsa and had a chicken fajita taco salad for dinner. (off topic, but hilarious. I have to spell out dialogue between Russ and Amanda the other night at the dinner table while we're eating tacos)

  • Amanda: I've never had tacos before.
  • Russ: Oh so what do you get when you go to Don Pablos?
  • Amanda: a salad
  • Russ: Oh, the taco salad?
  • Amanda: No... but its cool. it doesn't have a bowl. its in a huge taco shell.

Anyway after dinner I walked to the grocery store, bought chips, twinkies, 12 pack of corona and Copenhagen tobacco. Went back to the hotel and the TV shows were great- 2 episodes of South Park, followed by a new episode of Futurama and great episodes of Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert, love those guys. It was a great night. Also, after all these years, I finally almost drank dip spit. I have had close calls in the past where I pick up the spit bottle, but realize it before it gets to my mouth, but this time, I raised the bottle, put it to my lips, started to drink it, got a mouth full of liquid, but when it was in my mouth, it felt too warm and salty, and luckily I was able to spit it out before I swallowed. I do usually hold it in my mouth before I swallow.

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